Things we didn’t realise were unsafe, dangerous or just plain inappropriate (non-PC!).

img_0311       These first three images come under inappropriate/ non-PC. Can you imagine letting a child have sweets which are pretend cigarettes now? I also remember that you could get pipes and pipe tobacco which were sweets.

img_0304    img_0309  These two speak for themselves. The Black and White Minstrel Show was huge in the UK in the 1950s – and, of course, every family had one of the ubiquitous gollies! Unimaginable now.


img_0303   Moving on to unsafe/ dangerous. I remember having a paraffin heater in the bedroom I shared with my brother and sister. We now know that there was a poisonous gas problem (carbon monoxide, in particular) with these but also a serious fire risk. In a cold winter with no central heating a paraffin heater was very welcome and comforting.

img_0307  I can remember helping a local farmer with his hay making. At the end of the day we children would be sitting on top of the pile of hay as the tractor pulled the cart down the lane towards the barn.


I have covered this in a previous post but – yes, we did all have penknives as children.  We knew how to use them safely too!

img_0305  Cars didn’t have seat belts and children could sit in any part of the car – as in this picture.  I can remember my sister sitting on the bench seat in the front in beteeen my mum and dad on long journeys as she suffered with car sickness in the back.



Finishing off with inappropriate/ non PC. Just why did everyone find it so hilarious to read about an overweight schoolboy who couldn’t run and who loved cakes? It seems so wrong now yet Billy Bunter was a part of our childhood in the 1950s.

6 thoughts on “Things we didn’t realise were unsafe, dangerous or just plain inappropriate (non-PC!).

  1. Sweet tobacco is still sold, and sweet cigarettes had their red tips removed but are also still sold, albeit with a different name! (Have a look online for a shop called ‘A Quarter Of’ – it sells retro British sweets. Oh I remember paraffin heaters – and the smell of them. I’m pretty sure we had a guard around our main one. And, sadly, there are still people who collect golliwogs.

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  2. A sweet reminder. The world has certainly moved on in so many ways. We know a lot about safety tips now…. Good for us. But I think again… Life was much simpler in those good old days. And with new discoveries comes new dangers…. Much more complex too.

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